Leo’s new house routine

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Leo is completing up his 3rd week of staying house full time as well as he has completely transitioned into his new routine. Leo’s new morning routine consists of a longer walk than he utilized to get, which he absolutely loves. We are getting up at the exact same time to feed Leo at his typical feeding time as well as utilizing the time it takes to commute to work to provide Leo a nice, long walk. If I had to guess, I’d state he likes his new morning routine. That is up until we sit down at our makeshift desk on our dining space table as well as stop providing him attention.

As soon as we work out into our workday, Leo does his own settling in as well as typically takes a morning nap or does some intense staring out the window. He likes viewing people, dogs, squirrels, lizards, or even rustling leaves fly by the window. If something is additional exciting, he’ll stand up make a huffing noise that practically seems like a soft bark as well as then get on with the next nap of the day.

While Leo certainly misses being in the office as well as seeing all of his friends, his napping prospects are much much better at home. In the office, his choices are just his bed as well as the ground. At home, he is around the place. He’ll typically begin out under or near the dining table, as well as then he’ll relocation to the couch dealing with us. later he’ll relocation to the other side of the couch, or the ground next to it, etc. He does a excellent task of not bothering us while we are working. He’ll come over if we phone call him, however for the most part, he’ll just hang out, play with one of his toys or just nap. I believe coming into work everyday has taught Leo the difference between work time as well as playtime.

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