World Veterinary Day 2013

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Did you know that this Saturday is world Veterinary Day? well established in 2000 by the world Veterinary Association, this day is celebrated every year on the last Saturday of April. The idea behind the day is to celebrate the veterinary profession and highlight the global accomplishments of veterinarians. annually a different theme is selected, with this year’s topic being “Vaccination to stop and protect.” The goal is to raise awareness of the value of vaccinations for disease prevention. world Veterinary Day is an international day, and the theme of vaccinations focuses on protecting both companion animals and livestock, which also helps secure people from zoonotic diseases. Veterinarians are crucial to the success of vaccination programs around the world.

While some countries are working to raise awareness of the need for pet vaccinations, here in the united states there is ready access to pet vaccinations and education about the value of  proper vaccinations for our pets. In fact, now there are growing discussions about the possible risks associated with vaccinations and optimal frequency of vaccinations. The position of the American animal healthcare facility association (AAHA) relating to vaccinations is:

The vaccination needs of dogs and cats must be examined at least yearly and, if appropriate, vaccination schedules must be modified on the basis of changes in the patient’s age, health status, home and travel environment, and lifestyle. Vaccinations must be considered just one component of an individualized, detailed preventive health-care plan based on the age, breed, health status, environment (potential exposure to harmful agents), lifestyle (contact with other animals), and travel routines of the pet dog or cat.

We recommend you work closely with your veterinarian and go over your pet’s vaccination needs to establish a plan that’s optimal for your own pet dog or cat.

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