Claudia’s Canine Cuisine – The perfect gift For The dog who wants everything

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You’ve made your holiday gift list and checked it twice. everyone you love is getting a gift, regardless of whether they’ve been naughty or nice! After all, the holidays are about love and forgiveness. Then, the panic sets in! You have that sinking feeling you’ve forgotten someone very important! who is it? The mailman? No, you always give him a plate of your famous homemade holiday cookies.

Thinking about the mailman jogs your memory… You’ve forgotten to buy a little something for your best friend, who also happens to be the mailman’s worst enemy! but what’ s the perfect gift for someone who only wants whatever you’re having?

Holiday Cookies just for Dogs from Claudia’s Canine Cuisine

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to give your dog the same sweet surprise of a beautiful, enticing platter of fresh-baked holiday cookies? now you can!

Claudia’s Canine Cuisine Gourmet dog treats are the optimal way to let your dog join in the holiday festivities without worrying about whether the ingredients could be harmful.

As most pet parents know, chocolate and excessive sugar can be extremely dangerous to your dog’s health. but you also know that few things delight a dog as much as getting a taste of that delicacy of all delicacies…PEOPLE FOOD!

With Claudia’s Canine Cuisine Gourmet dog Treats, you and your dog can have the best of both worlds. These attractive and great-tasting holiday cookies are made with only 100% canine-safe ingredients that taste so good, you’ll be tempted to ask your dog if you could have just a taste, too!

Made of yummy, wholesome dog-friendly ingredients like peanut butter, yogurt and carob (a delicious, natural chocolate substitute that is safe for dogs to eat), Claudia’s Canine Cuisine Gourmet dog treats are the perfect stocking stuffer or present to wrap and put under the tree.

Claudia’s Canine Cuisine holiday line of gourmet dog treats include:
Claudia’s Canine Cuisine Peanut Butter Paw print Sucker

A cute and clever paw print cookie with a rawhide chew stick handle baked right in. These tasty holiday treats are made of only wholesome, doggy-friendly ingredients including peanut butter, carob, yogurt and of course a rawhide chew stick to add to the fun! It’s like getting two holiday treats in one…all tied up with a festive red bow!

Claudia’s Canine Cuisine Peanut Butter Paw print Suckers are made in the USA and shipped fresh to your door.

Claudia’s Canine Cuisine stocking Stuffer Cookies

A tube of fresh-baked vanilla holiday cookies in fun shapes and cheerful colors, presented in a clear plastic tube tied with a golden bow! perfect to slide into a stocking as a special surprise for your best friend.

This tube of holiday treats is optimal for a multi-dog home, with plenty of yummy fun for all to enjoy! Baked right here in the USA, these delightful canine cookies can be shipped right to your door…saving you the time and trouble of yet another shopping trip!

Claudia’s Canine Cuisine Reindeer Wonderland Cookies

Adorable bone-shaped reindeer cookies in holiday colors are perfect for putting under the tree. but you might not want to put it out until Christmas morning…even Santa himself will be tempted to break open this box of holiday sweets!

Show your dog how much you appreciate all that unconditional love and affection with this special collection of holiday confections!

If you’ve been looking for the perfect gift for the perfect (or not-so-perfect-but-ever-so-lovable) pet, Claudia’s Canine Cuisine Gourmet dog treats are the optimal healthy holiday delight!

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